Unit installation

Tri-Beam Ice-Ducer
Gives you the option
to select from a wide
20° beam, a mid 12°,
or a narrow 8° beam
angle. Switch included.
Digital LCD Battery
Status Indicator
Shows the current
level of charge as
a percentage with
charge or discharge
mode indication.
Pro Mount
Offers a swivel action
and quick removal for
your asher or other
electronics. It’s durable
and economical.
Gives depth and
temperature. Just
attach it to your line
and drop it down.
A.C.E. Adhesive
This acoustically
conductive epoxy
system is designed for
maximum performance
with minimal in-hull
transducer installation
Tackle Tote
A handy soft sided
tackle box that holds
three of our 4 by 6 inch
Vexilar tackle boxes.
Use it for all seasons.
Vexilar Clothing
From caps to shirts and sweats to jackets,
Vexilar offers a wide range of styles and
colors with the Vexilar logo. Visit the
Vexilar web site or your local Vexilar Pro
Shop to nd quality affordable clothing
you’ll enjoy wearing day after day.
Visit vexilar.com for more great gear and wear!
Beverage Holder
Fits into the rod holder
on the Ultra Pack and
Pro Pack II and allows
you to keep your
favorite beverage
close at hand.