User guide

Chapter 5: Software support
FastBuild (tm) Utility 2.00 (c) 2002-2005 Promise Technology, Inc.
[ Select Drive for Rebuild ]
[ View Array Definition Menu ]
Array No RAID Mode Total Drv  Status
Array 1 Mirror/Stripe 4   Critical
Stripe Block: Not Available  Gigabyte Boundary: ON
Channel: ID Drive Model Capacity (MB)
3:Mas FUJITSU MPD3043AT 4325
[ Keys Available ]
[ ] Up [ ] Down [ESC] Exit [Enter] Select
[ ] Up [ ] Down [ESC] Exit [Enter] Select
7. Select the replacement drive then press <Enter>.
FastBuild (tm) Utility 2.00 (c) 2002-2005 Promise Technology, Inc.
[ Keys Available ]
[ ] Up [ ] Down [ESC] Exit [Enter] Select
[ Rebuild Array Menu ]
Array No RAID Mode Total Drv Capacity Status
Array 1 Mirror/Stripe 4 7999 Critical
Array 2 ----- ----- ----- -----
Array 3 ----- ----- ----- -----
Array 4 ----- ----- ----- -----
8. Confirm the command to copy data from the intact source hard disk
into a new replacement hard disk. A progress bar displays the copy
progress for the duration of the task.
9. When completed, the utility prompts you to reboot the system. Press
any key to reboot your system.
Controller Configuration (6): This command shows the default for
Controller Configuration. The default value is [Enabled].