User's Manual

Engineering Test Software Operation
Rev 28_A Sept 2005
26 VIA Telecom, Inc. Proprietary
Array Bit
Bit in
Numeric Record String Union
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* * Field Parameter: base
The base parameter allows entry and display of a numeric field to be controlled. The options for the base
parameter are 10, 16, bool, and enum. base: 10, 16
The numbers 10 and 16 specify decimal or hexadecimal as the display format. By default unsigned numbers are
hexadecimal and signed numbers are decimal. These defaults can be overridden with the base parameter.
When data is entered into a numeric field it can be entered in either hexadecimal or decimal regardless of the
base parameter setting. An example is:
Id, uint16, base=10 base: bool
The bool option allows the field to be treated as a boolean. The representation in a control dialog will be a
checkbox. The printout or display in a trace window will be either a zero or a one. Received values will be
interpreted as zero for false and non-zero for true. The leading character of the default or script parameter could
be T (true), Y (yes), F (false) or N (no). Also a numeric value is interpreted as zero for false and non-zero for
true. A boolean true is the numeric value 1.
Id, uint16, base=bool base: enum
In addition, an enumerated value can be specified. For more information, see the section, “Enumerated Values.” base: Default Values
If the minimum or maximum parameters are not defined, the following default base rules apply:
1. > 8 Bytes hexadecimal
2. If base defined: it is used.
3. If base not defined:
int8 decimal
int16 decimal
int32 decimal
int64 decimal
uint8 hexadecimal
uint16 hexadecimal
uint32 hexadecimal
uint64 hexadecimal
When a bit field is defined without a base, it is treated like an integer so the intX rules apply.