User's Manual

Engineering Test Software Operation
Rev 28_A Sept 2005
VIA Telecom, Inc. Proprietary
49 Log Processing
The Log Processing module handles the following functions:
Manages log window display.
Updates to log file.
Sends log entries to the OLE automation interface. Trace Management
The trace management module tracks the activity states of trace messages. This module performs the issuing
of trace commands.
When a user makes the menu selection to enable a specific trace, the menu item will become “checked” and
the trace enable command will be sent.
If a trace message is received when it is not expected a command will be issued to turn the trace off.
When an expected trace message is received it will be decoded. It will then either be printed in the log and or
displayed in a dialog. A system menu item will be provided to enable or disable the use of each. The default
selection can be overridden as follows. If printing only is selected and the user wants to display the dialog then
selecting the same menu item will cause the dialog window for that trace to appear. A trace dialog will have a
menu selection to enable or disable printing of log entries. Trace Id Zero
A trace command with an id of zero represents all of the traces. The field following the trace id will either be a
single boolean value or a variable length bitmap depending on the specific trace message.
When a boolean value is used it either enables or disables all of the traces controlled by the message.
The CP Trace message uses the bitmap format. This is a variable length array of bytes. The first byte
represents the number of bytes in the following byte array. Each bit within the byte array specifies the enabling
or disabling of a trace. A bit is referenced based on its trace id. Bit zero is the least significant bit. The bit within
the byte is the remainder of the trace id divided by 8. The byte offset is the trace id divided by 8.
5.1.5 Communications Interface
M e s s a g e
E n c a p s u la tor
S e ria l In te rfa c e
E th e rn e t
In terfa c e
B in a ry M e ssa g e s W ith o u t
E s c a p e S equ e n c e s
Figure 10. Communications Interface
The communications interface has an associated dialog window that indicates the activity on the active
interface. In addition a dialog window will be provided to allow configuration of the communication interface. For