User's Manual

Engineering Test Software Operation
Rev 28_A Sept 2005
VIA Telecom, Inc. Proprietary
To register an OCX (ActiveX component) like EtsIf.ocx when open ETSMAIN.EXE, Insert a Record to the
Definition Text file as follows:
Begin Record, Register OCX
File, <Component>
Component: The name of an OCX or an ActiveX component needed to be registered.
Begin Record, Register OCX
File, EtsIf.ocx
End External Application Interface
These applications can really be any windows application that interacts with Etsmain.exe through the Etsif.ocx
or the autoscript interface.
When Etsmain.exe clears all of its log windows and any external applications are running, it will make the
following entry the main log as a response message.
Function: Display=Clear
The external application designer may want to look for this message to clear the display of the external
5.1.14 Auto Configuration Loading
The previous loaded ETS Configuration can be automatic loading when a phone (MSUT) is detected and ETS
“Auto Config Load” checked box of ETS option dialog was checked.
5.2 Script Utility
The script utility allows commands to be recorded and played back. Recorded sequences can be saved into and
restored from a file. The Script commands available are Record, Run, Step, Pause, Continue, Stop and
execution speed commands. Section 4.3 describes these operations in detail.
5.3 Control Panels
Control Panels are separate programs that interface to the ETS Main using the OLE automation interface. They
provide the end user with a graphical set of buttons, knobs, and gauges that control specific aspects of the
operation of the unit under test. Control panels may also interface to devices on a GPIB interface.
The current intent is that these programs be written in Visual Basic. Other languages could also be used.
5.4 Test Drivers
Test Drivers are separate programs that interface to the ETS Main using the OLE automation interface. They
perform formal automated tests for design verification or system test. User interfaces for these programs tend to
be simpler than that of the control panels and a log file is generated recording the results of the test. The output
from these tests could be analyzed using Excel or other spreadsheets.
The current intent is that these programs be written in Visual Basic. Other languages could also be used.