User's Manual

Engineering Test Software Operation
Rev 28_A Sept 2005
VIA Telecom, Inc. Proprietary
AddNum( Number as long )
AddDouble( Number as double )
Adds the number to the internal list of numeric values.
Empties the internal list of numeric values.
GetNum( Index as integer ) as long
GetDouble( Index as integer ) as double
Returns a specific numeric value from the list.
GetSize() as long
Returns the number of entries in the numeric list.
5.5.7 File Functions
The functions described in this section allow access to the file interface functions of ETSMain.
OpenConfig( File as string )
The configuration file is loaded when this call is made.
OpenLog( File as string, OverWrite as boolean ) as boolean
This function opens a log file. If the file exists it can be overwritten or appended to.
The log file is closed by this function call.
OpenTraceLog( File as string, OverWrite as boolean ) as boolean
This function opens a trace window log file. If the file exists it can be overwritten or appended to.
The trace window log file is closed by this function call.
LogNote( Note as string )
A note is entered in the log window.
LogNoteExt( Note as string, Main as boolean, Trace as boolean, Fault as
boolean )
A note is entered in the log windows that are enabled in the parameter.
void EnableTracePrint(boolean Enable);
The entry of trace messages into the main log window can be enabled and disabled with this function. This
operates in the same manner as the user selecting "Print to Main Log" in the popup menu of the trace log