User's Manual

Engineering Test Software Operation
Rev 28_A Sept 2005
VIA Telecom, Inc. Proprietary
Rsp: "BINLOG, Cmd=Create, Status={Ok|Fail}, Cause=<cause>" Command Parameters
Path=<pathname> The pathname of the file to be created. Response Parameters
Status={Ok|Fail} If it is Ok then the binary file has been created and is being written to. If it is
Fail then the file did not open for some reason.
Cause=<cause> Specify the failure reason if Status = {Fail} Close Binary Log File
This message pair is used to close a binary log file.
Cmd: "BINLOG, Cmd=Close"
Rsp: "BINLOG, Cmd=Close, Status={Ok|Fail}, Cause=<cause>" Command Parameters
None. Response Parameters
Status={Ok|Fail} If it is Ok then the binary file has been closed. If it is Fail then the file did not
close for some reason.
Cause=<cause> Specify the failure reason if Status = {Fail} Get Status of Binary Log File
This message pair is used to get the status of a binary log file.
Cmd: "BINLOG, Cmd=GetStatus"
Rsp: "BINLOG, Cmd=GetStatus, Status={Idle|Logging|Playback|Fail}, Path=<pathname>" Command Parameters
None. Response Parameters
Status={ Idle|Logging|Playback|Fail } If it is Idle then no binary file has been created. If it is Logging
then a binary file is created and being written to. If it is
Playback then a binary file is being playback. If it is Fail then a
failure status occurs for some reason.
Cause=<cause> Specify the failure reason if Status = {Fail}
Path=<pathname> The pathname of the binary log file if there’s one. Playback Binary Log File
This message pair is used to playback a binary log file
Cmd: "BINLOG, Cmd=Playback, Path=<pathname>"