Getting Started Guide

About this Guide
Purpose and scope
ONA-800 Getting Started Guide
Page iv 22142812, R002 April 2020
Purpose and scope
The purpose of this manual is to help you successfully use the features and capabilities
of the ONA-800. This manual includes task-based instructions that describe how to
configure, use, and troubleshoot the general functions of the base unit.
This manual is intended for novice, intermediate, and experienced users who want to
use the test instrument effectively and efficiently. VIAVI assumes that you have basic
computer experience and are familiar with basic telecommunication concepts, termi-
nology, and safety.
This guide uses typographical and symbols conventions as described in the following
Table 1 Text formatting and other typographical conventions
Item(s) Example(s)
Buttons, keys, or switches that you
press or flip on a physical device.
Press the On button.
Press the Enter key.
Flip the Power switch to the on position.
Buttons, links, menus, menu
options, tabs, or fields on a PC-
based or Web-based user inter-
face that you click, select, or type
information into.
Press the On button.
Click File > Properties.
Click the Properties tab.
Type the name of the probe in the Probe Name
Directory names, file names, and
code and output messages that
appear in a command line interface
or in some graphical user interfaces
$NANGT_DATA_DIR/results (directory)
(file name)
All results okay. (output message)
Text you must type exactly as
shown into a command line inter-
face, text file, or a GUI text field.
Restart the applications on the server using the
following command:
$BASEDIR/startup/npiu_init restart
Type: a:\set.exe in the dialog box.
Command line option separators. platform [a|b|e]
Optional arguments (text variables
in code).
login [platform name]
Required arguments (text variables
in code).