System information

Vicon MX Hardware System Reference C-1
CMX Camera Lens Focusing
MX and MX+ cameras are in focus when the images of markers seen
by the camera at a distance representative of the capture distance
(i.e. the distance between subject and camera) are clear and sharp.
The degree of focus of the lens on an MX camera can be controlled
by altering two characteristics of the lens:
Front (or forward) focus
This is set by adjusting the focus ring at the front of the lens. This
procedure is described in section Adjusting Camera Lens Focus
with Front Focus Ring on page C-2.
•Back focus
This is set by adjusting the position of the entire lens closer to or
further away from the camera sensor along the axis of the lens.
This procedure is described in section Adjusting Camera Lens
Focus through Back Focus on page C-6.
All cameras supplied by Vicon Motion Systems are back focused as
part of system testing in the factory; this should not normally need
to be repeated in the field. If small adjustments (trimming) of focus
are necessary in the field, generally you should use the lens front
focus method. However, if a supplied camera lens has been loosened,
removed, or swapped for another lens, it may be necessary to
perform a back focus adjustment for maximum performance.
In Vicon MX systems, focusing is typically done while viewing
grayscale data for markers in the Vicon application software. If
desired, you can connect a VGA monitor to the VGA Monitor output
on the back of the MX camera and switch it to monitor mode to
provide a secondary visualization of the image seen by the camera.
For details on using a VGA Monitor, see Chapter 3 MX Cameras. Page 1 Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:36 AM