System information

MX Camera Lens Focusing
C-6 Vicon MX Hardware System Reference
11. Return the Vicon software to the default capture settings:
In Nexus
•In the Properties section at the bottom of the System
browser pane, set Grayscale mode to Auto.
In Vicon iQ
•In the
Cameras activity bar under the Setup operating mode,
from the
Grayscale Mode, select Normal.
In Workstation
•From the Workstation
View menu, point to Greyscale and
Merged Markers.
Adjusting Camera Lens Focus through Back Focus
You can sharpen the camera lens focus by adjusting the position of
the entire lens closer to or further away from the camera sensor along
the axis of the lens. The latter is achieved by screwing the lens mount
into or out of the front of the camera.
The way you do this depends upon whether you are using a fixed-
focus or zoom lens. Any differences are described in the following
You can see the results while you are focusing the camera by viewing
the markers in your Vicon application software. For example, in
Nexus, you can view the camera data in a Camera view pane. In
Vicon iQ, you can view the camera data in a Camera view pane or a
Fullscreen Preview view pane. In Workstation you can view the
camera data in a Live Monitor window, and optionally in Preview
The procedure in this section contains examples outlining how to view
the live camera data in Nexus, in Vicon iQ, and in Workstation. For
full details on the software steps, see the documentation for your
Vicon application software.
Back focusing is a delicate operation that must be performed only by qualified
and experienced persons. Irreparable damage can be caused to the camera
if this operation is not properly carried out. Page 6 Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:36 AM