System information

Vicon MX Hardware System Reference Glossary-5
when a system or session configuration is
specified in Workstation and initially
contains the default parameters for the
system. Also see Motion capture and
CCD Charge Coupled Device. An image
sensor consisting of a grid of pixels made
up of capacitors sensitive to light. An
image is projected through a lens onto
the capacitor array, causing each capaci-
tor to accumulate an electric charge pro-
portional to the light intensity at that
location. This charge is subsequently con-
verted into a voltage, and the voltage for
each pixel is read out from the sensor.
Also see CMOS and Sensor.
CCIR Consultative Committee for
International Radio (the predecessor of
the International Telecommunication
Standardization Bureau, ITU–T). A format
defined for analog black and white
television, with a vertical resolution of
625 lines and a base frame rate of 25 Hz.
This is the format used in Europe. CCIR
uses the EBU timecode standard. Also see
EBU timecode, EIA, LTC, PAL, SECAM,
Timecode, and VITC.
Center of Mass The theoretical point of
a segment or body at which the whole
mass may be considered as concentrated.
Also see Segment.
Centroid In Vicon MX, a 2D circle with
cross-hairs for the horizontal and vertical
radii fitted around the center of intensity
calculated for a grayscale blob viewed by
an MX camera. The equivalent for Vicon
V-series systems is a circle. Also see
Circle, Centroid fitting, and Grayscale
Centroid fitting In Vicon MX, the
process by which algorithms in
MX cameras or in Vicon application
software calculate the center of intensity
for a grayscale blob and fit a centroid
around it. The equivalent functionality for
Vicon V-series systems is provided by
circle fitting. Also see Centroid, Circle
fitting, and Grayscale blob.
Centroids data In Vicon MX, the x,y
coordinates and the radius of the centroid
calculated for a grayscale blob. Also see
Centroid and Grayscale blob.
CG plug-in Computer Graphics plug-in.
A software module that facilitates the
import of Vicon data into a third-party
animation package. Also see Plug-in.
Child segment A segment in a
kinematic model whose attributes are
controlled by a parent segment. A child
segment also can be the parent of other
child segments. Also see Parent segment.
Circle In Vicon V-series systems, a 2D
circular shape fitted to a series of
horizontal video lines for a blob. Also see
Blob and Circle fitting. For Vicon MX
systems, see Centroid.
Circle fitting In Vicon V-series
systems, the process by which algorithms
in Vicon application software calculate a
central coordinate for a marker based on
three or more horizontal video lines. The
equivalent functionality for Vicon MX
systems is provided by centroid fitting.
Also see Algorithm, Centroid fitting, and
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide-
Semiconductor. An approach to the
design and implementation of digital
circuits on silicon chips. Image sensors
produced by the CMOS process are an
alternative to CCD sensors and offer the
advantage of requiring less power. CMOS
sensors consist of a grid of pixels each
made up of a photodetector and several
transistors. An image is projected
through a lens onto the sensor, and a
voltage is read from each pixel
proportional to the light intensity at that Page 5 Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:36 AM