System information

Glossary-26 Vicon MX Hardware System Reference
(tilt up or tilt down). Also see Dolly, Pan,
and Truck.
Time bar A dialog bar in Vicon
application software that enables motion
capture data with time and
synchronization characteristics to be
viewed and manipulated. The time bar
contains a ruler, context bars, and data
playback controls to move to a specific
time range within the visualized data. In
some Vicon application software, it also
contains normalization ranges. Also see
Context bar, Motion capture, and
Timecode A time signature that can be
imprinted in video or audio signals to
provide positional information (i.e. time
and frame details) on magnetic
videotape. Each field of the signal is
assigned its own unique eight-digit code
number based on a 24-hour clock
specifying hours, minutes, and seconds
along with a frame number
Vicon MX supports the two forms of
timecode: EBU (used for PAL, SECAM,
and CCIR systems) and SMTPE (used for
NTSC and EIA systems).
Vicon MX can synchronize timecode with
connected devices and act as a master
timecode generator for the system. Vicon
V-series systems can synchronize
timecode with connected devices. Also
see CCIR, EBU timecode, EIA, Field,
timecode, and VITC.
Timecode triggering A feature in
Vicon application software that enables a
Vicon system to start or stop data
capture based on a specified timecode.
Also see Datastation, MX Control,
Timecode, and Trigger.
.tpl file Template file. A Polygon report
file with extension .tpl, from which similar
Polygon reports for different data sets
can be created. These template files
define the hierarchical structure and
contents of a specific type of Polygon
report. The supplied .tpl files are installed
in the Polygon Templates folder (by
default, C:\Program Files\Vicon\Polygon\
Templates). Also see Polygon.
Tracker Vicon application software for
3D optical tracking in virtual
environments, simulators, and
visualization systems. Tracker is the core
motion capture and processing software
for engineering applications.
Tracking volume The area of the
capture space in which Vicon cameras are
able to capture the motion of specified
tracking objects. Also see Reconstruction
volume, Calibration volume, and Capture
Trajectory The path though space that
a moving marker follows. This
reconstructed data is stored in a file as a
time-series of points with the same label.
A trajectory can be displayed in the
3D Workspace as a line through the
position of a marker in the current field. A
trajectory may consist of a single
uninterrupted path or of a number of
segments. The latter can occur when
markers are obscured from view. Also see
3D Workspace, .c3d file, Field, Label,
Marker, Trajectory, and .trial file.
Translation The movement of an
object along a specified axis. In Vicon
application software, the translation of an
object can be manipulated to change its
displayed position in a 3D Workspace.
Also see 3D Workspace, Rotation and
.trc file Track Row Column file. A text
file with extension .trc, which contains
marker and trajectory data in Track Row
Column format. A .trc file can be used to
import data from third-party applications Page 26 Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:36 AM