User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Mode button menu sequence.
- Modes presented to the user are dependent on sequence of operation selected
Default mode is in bold when sequence of operation parameter is changed
- * Auto mode menu can be disabled with (AutoMode) parameter
Sequence selected Mode Menu
0 = Cooling only
Off - Cool
1 = Heating only
Off - Heat
2 = Cooling With Reheat
Off – Auto
*– Heat – Cool
3 = Heating With Reheat
Off - Heat
4 = Cooling / Heating 4 pipes
Off – Auto
*– Heat – Cool
5 = Cooling / Heating 4 pipes with Reheat
Off – Auto
*– Heat – Cool
* Auto. The Auto mode can be disabled from the menu with the (AutoMode) parameter
Available fan button menu sequences.
Fan button menu
Menu presented are dependent on model used
and sequence of operation selected
Default value when
sequence toggled
0 Low-Med-High 3 Speed configuration using 3 fan relays ( L-M-H )
1 Low-High 2 Speed configuration using 2 fan relays ( L-H )
2 Low-Med-High-Auto 3 Speed configuration with Auto fan speed mode using 3 fan relays ( L-M-H )
3 Low-High-Auto 2 Speed configuration with Auto fan speed mode using 2 fan relays ( L-H )
4 On-Auto Single Speed configuration. Auto is for Fan on demand / On is On all the time
Auto speed fan mode is also offered in heating mode applications; it will not however have any effect on dehumidification. It will be
strictly for noise comfort issues
Configuration parameters
Default value
Significance and adjustments
Com Addr
Thermostat networking address
Default value = 4
Range is: 0 to 254
Conditional parameter to BACnet MS-TP models (VT730xX1000B)
Conditional parameter to Wireless models (VT730xX1000W)
This parameter will only appear when a BACnet or wireless network adapter is
present. If the thermostat is installed as a stand-alone unit or with an Echelon
adapter, this parameter will not be used or displayed
For BACnet MS-TP models valid range to use is from 1 to 127
For wireless models valid range is 0 to 254 with a maximum of 30 thermostat per
Personal Area Network
Default value = 0
Range is: 0 to 500
Conditional parameter to Wireless models (VT730xX1000W)
This parameter will only appear when a wireless network adapter is present. If the
thermostat is installed as a stand-alone unit or with a BACnet or Echelon adapter,
this parameter will not be used or displayed
This parameter (Personal Area Network Identification) is used to link specific
thermostats to a single specific Viconics wireless gateway ( VWG ) For every
thermostat reporting to a gateway ( maximum of 30 thermostats per gateway ), be
sure you set the SAME PAN ID value both at the gateway and the thermostat(s).
The default value of 0 is NOT a valid PAN ID. The valid range of available PAN ID
is from 1 to 500
Channel selection
Default value = 10
Range is: 10 to 26
Conditional parameter to Wireless models (VT73x0X1000W)
This parameter will only appear when a wireless network adapter is present. If the
thermostat is installed as a stand-alone unit or with a BACnet or Echelon adapter,
this parameter will not be used or displayed
This parameter (Channel) is used to link specific thermostats to specific Viconics
wireless gateway(s) ( VWG ) For every thermostat reporting to a gateway (
maximum of 30 thermostats per gateway ), be sure you set the SAME channel
value both at the gateway and the thermostat(s).
Viconics recommends using only the 2 last channels ( 25-2575MHz and 26-
2580MHz )
The default value of 10 is NOT a valid channel. The valid range of available
channel is from 11 to 26