User's Manual

IMPORTANT NOTES ( Please Read Carefully ) :
For every thermostat reporting to a gateway ( maximum of 30 thermostats per gateway ), be sure you
set the SAME PAN ID and Channel value at both the gateway and the thermostat(s).
When properly configured, the issue of RF interference and lost data between the gateway and the
thermostats can be avoided. Without proper care or proper software configuration serious interference
issues can happen.
Viconics recommends using only the 2 last channels ( 25-2575MHz and 26-2580MHz ) Viconics
recommends this purely as a practical tip for deployment in the field based on our experience. These
2 upper channels are not affected and are out of the range of IEEE802.11x Wi-Fi Channels spectrum.
Database Tools.
This section is used to configure the wireless gateway thermostat database with its own toolset.
The table lists the current thermostats detected by the gateway that have the same PAN ID and Channel
settings as the gateway. A Yellow highlight indicates a previously discovered thermostat that has not updated
is mandatory wireless heartbeat to the VWG and is now offline to the VWG.
Comm Address. The current physical MAC address set at each individual thermostat in its local
Thermostat Name. The thermostat’s given name in the database. The name is constructed of the
thermostat model number and its current local MAC address. Ex. A VT7300C1000W with a local MAC
address of 21 will carry a name in the database of VT7300C1000_21
Added to Network
o True = thermostat already added to the BACnet or LON network. When discovered on either
the BACnet or LON world, the thermostat’s points will be available and exposed.
o False = thermostat NOT added to the BACnet or LON network. When discovered on either
the BACnet or LON world, the thermostat’s points will NOT be available and exposed.
Duplicate Detected. This is used if by accident the same local MAC address was set at more than
one thermostat reporting to the same gateway. Both would be reported with the same thermostat
name ( if the same model number are used ) and both would carry the same Comm Address.
o False = thermostat MAC address NOT duplicated. Indicates a normal condition.
o True = thermostat MAC address duplicated. Indicates an abnormal condition. The following
actions need to be taken.
1. Physically re-address all of the duplicate thermostat address to new MAC addresses
NOT used in the current database.
2. Delete all the duplicates in the database using the Add/Remove Selected Thermostat
3. Use the Discover Thermostat button to refresh the database with using the thermostat
new MAC addresses.