User's Manual

Output Dialog
Enabled regardless of station status. When pressed, this produces a separate “non-modal” output window
displaying the same output text as in the Station Director’s station output area. Included are buttons to Dump
Threads, Pause Output, Clear Output, and Close the window.
Output settings
For the currently selected station in the Station Director, the Output Settings
button produces a dialog in which you specify how the platform daemon
buffers the output from that station.
Output Settings dialog
The two available settings are in bytes, and are:
Memory Buffer Size
Size of the memory buffer for the station output. If the station creates more output that the size of
the memory buffer, the oldest output is lost.
Maximum File Size
When the station stops, its output buffer is written to a console.txt file. This setting defines
the maximum size of that file.
This tab sets up different function of the VWG
Station Copier
System Date and Time
TCP/IP Configuration
File Transfer Client
Software Manager
Station Copier
The Station Copier is only used to install a new version of the VWG station when released by Viconics.
The important functions are:
Copy from left to right to install a new VWG station from a local drive to the gateway.
Copy from right to left save the current VWG station in the gateway to backup to a local drive.
Use the Rename button to rename the VWG station name
Use the delete button to delete a station that is no longer in use (older version on the gateway)
Unless updated ( Jar files ), the tool used to service or commission the VWG should always be the one
originally supplier with the VWG.
When you database is fully up and all your devices have been added, it is recommended to do a backup of
your station for references and safety.