User's Manual

Station Date and Time
This is used to set the local time at the VWG. This information practical in the
Database Tool view when viewing the health status and last time a thermostat
was online and communicating to the VWG
Use local will set the VWG time to the local time currently in the computer where the toll resides. Press the
“Save” button to confirm the changes.
TCP/IP Configuration
Hostname. Is the local hostname exposed on the network. Please do not change
and leave to “Localhost”
DNS Domain. The TCP/IP Domain Name System (DNS) domain this host
belongs to. Only if DNS is used.
Gateway. The IP address for the device that forwards packets to other networks
or subnets.
DNS Servers. The IP address for one or more DNS servers, each of which can
automate associations between hostnames and IP addresses. Included are icon-
buttons to Add (to enter IP address of server), delete and move Up/Down (to set
the DNS search order).
Interface 1. Set’s the local device IP settings for NET1
Interface 2, Set’s the local device IP settings for NET2
The interface selected for BACnet IP communication is made at the “BACnet Network” tab under BACnet IP
Settings. The default connection used is NET1
Selectable fields are as follows:
ID. A read-only OS identifier for the hardware interface).
Description. A read-only text string such as “Ethernet Adapter”.
Adapter Enabled. Read-only checkbox that indicates whether the Ethernet port is usable.
DHCP. A checkbox to specify DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) instead of static IP
addressing. Successful use requires a DHCP server installed on your network. If enabled, other interface
fields such as IP Address and Subnet Mask become read-only, as the DHCP server assigns these after the
platform reboots.
Note: In general (for stability), static IP addressing is recommended over DHCP. Caution: Do not enable
DHCP unless sure that your network has one or more DHCP servers! Otherwise, the VWG may become
unreachable over the network.
IP Address. The “static” IP address for this host, unique on your network. When changed and saved, this will
be the new IP address under which you will connect to the VWG.
Subnet Mask. The “static” IP subnet mask used by this host.
DHCP Server. Applies only if DCHP is enabled. Shows read-only address of the DHCP server from which
this host last obtained its IP address settings.
DHCP Lease Granted. Applies only if DCHP is enabled. Shows a read-only timestamp of when the DHCP
lease started.
DHCP Lease Expires. Applies only if DCHP is enabled. Shows a read-only timestamp of when the
DHCP lease will expire, and will need renewal.