User's Manual

2010-2011, All rights reserved Commercial in Confidence Page 141
directory of node’s file system should have the release
binary of the software upgrade file in it. If the file is in your
client system then download the file from your client system
to FTP server.
Follow these steps to upgrade the software:
1. Open the BSS node in modify mode.
2. Expand Inventory, click Software, and click Software
Offer tab.
3. Provide the FTP server details.
4. In the Software Image Details panel, select a node type
from the Node Type list.
5. Type the version of the software in the Upgrade Version
text box.
6. Click the Browse button to open the FTP file browser.
The FTP File Browser dialog box appears which displays
the local file system in left-pane and the FTP server file
system in the right-pane.
7. Click the Connect button to connect to the FTP server.
All directories of the FTP server are listed in the left side
8. Double-click the directory in which the new software
release is stored.
LNote: If the release binary is unavailable then copy it from
OMC client’s local file system to the remote file system by
9. Click the software release from the Look in box. Click OK.
10. The Software Offer tab shows the file path, checksum
(MD5), and size in kilobytes of the selected file.