Installation Manual

Final Preparation
Some stainless steel parts may have a protective wrap, which must be peeled o .
All stainless steel body parts should be wiped regularly with hot, soapy water at the end of each cooling period and with liquid
cleaner designed for this material when soapy water will not do the job.
If build-up occurs, DO NOT use steel wool, or abrasive cloths, cleaners, or powders. If it is necessary to scrape stainless steel
surface to remove encrusted material, soak area with hot, wet towels to loosen the material, then use a wooden or nylon spatula
or scraper. DO NOT use a metal knife, spatula, or any other metal tool to scrape stainless steel surfaces. Scratches are almost
impossible to remove. DO NOT permit citrus or tomato juice to remain on stainless steel surface, as citric acid will permanently
discolor stainless steel. Wipe up any spills immediately.
Performance Checklist
quali ed installer should check top burner ignition.
See drawing for proper  ame height on HI. The low  ame should light at
every port.
(3.8 cm)
(0.95 cm)