Use and Care Manual

The Broil mode on your Speedcook Oven will
yield the same or superior results as broiling in
a traditional oven. The only di erence is that
your food cooks faster due to the hot air moving
through the cook cavity at increased speeds.
Foods that are typically broiled are quick
cooking, inherently tender, relatively lean, and
not too thick, (for example, beef steaks, whole
sh, and chicken satay).
Cast iron grill pans, metal sheet pans, and metal
broiling pans all work well in Broil mode.
Considered the original form of preservation,
dehydrating removes a food’s natural moisture
by slowly drying it with a low heat. Food can be
dehydrated manually by placing thin slices on
racks and allowing them to dry, assisted only by
sun or air. To shorten the dehydrating process,
the Speedcook Oven uses low temperature air
moving at higher speeds.
This mode is ideal for products like banana chips
and other dried fruits, as well as dried meats, like
beef jerky.
Sheet pans, non-stick screens, and pizza pans
(with or without holes) are all recommended for
use with Dehydrate mode.
The Speedcook Oven
broil dehydrate