User`s guide

Instruction book Freesia 415, 425
Trouble Shooting
Checking the needle
Always start with a new needle as
soon as you discover that a stitch is
not what you expected. Test sew on
a scrap of the fabric you are sewing.
Check that you have chosen the
correct needle and see that it is
correctly inserted. See page 15.
Unattractive stitches
The thread tension is not correct.
See page13. Make sure that the
thread is not catching. Certain thread
spools are unsuitable for spooling
from the horizontal spool pin. Try
instead with the vertical spool pin.
The machine may be incorrectly
threaded. Be sure to place spool
holders correctly. For correct
threading, see page 9.
Wrong bobbin thread. It should be
of the same thickness as the upper
The needle breaks
The needle can strike against stitch
plate and break. Change the needle.
See page 15. Do not pull fabric as
you sew, let the machine feed.
The upper thread breaks
Check the thread spool to see that it
has not caught in any way. The
needle eye may have sharp edges
which cut the thread. If so, change
the needle. See page 15.
The upper thread is incorrectly
threaded. See page 9. The upper
thread may have too much tension.
Refer to page 13.
The hole in the stitch plate may be
chipped and have sharp edges. We
recommend that you replace it.
The bobbin thread breaks
The bobbin thread may be incorrect-
ly threaded. See page 12.
The stitch plate hole is damaged.
See "Upper thread breaks".
Irregular thread tension
This may be due to poor quality
thread. When sewing with cotton
thread, increase the thread tension.
The bobbin thread breaks
The bobbin thread may be
incorrectly threaded. See page 12.
The stitch plate hole is damaged.
See "Upper thread breaks".
Irregular thread tension
This may be due to poor quality
thread. When sewing with cotton
thread, increase the thread tension.
The machine does not feed the
The stitch length is too short.
Increase stitch length.
The feed teeth may be lowered.
Raise them by turning the dial to
. See page 15.
The feed teeth are full of dust and
dirt. Clean with the brush. See page
The stitch is too loose - fabric
layers not held together
The thread tension is far too loose.
Page 13 shows how to adjust the
thread tension.