Product manual

The following items are displayed:
MAC Address: This is for display only, since the MAC address cannot be changed.
Host Name (Unit Name): The current host name appears in this box. The default host name, MYVIKING, can
be changed to provide a more user-specific name or to distinguish between multiple RC-4’s installed on the same
network. The host name can be 1 – 15 characters long, must begin with a letter, is not case-sensitive and can
include the underscore character.
Port Number: This should be left set to 80.
Enable DHCP: With the Enable DHCP box checked, all of the addresses below and the subnet mask are greyed
out because they have already been fixed by the DHCP server. Unchecking the DHCP box disables DHCP and
makes it possible to set the addresses manually in order to have a static IP address. These changes should only
be made by a qualified network administrator.
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Primary DNS Server
Secondary DNS Server
To save network configuration settings, click on “Save Settings”. The Reboot page appears, and the RC-4
makes the changes, reboots, and displays the host name. Reconnection instructions are offered in the
event the configuration changes result in a loss of connection.
B. Network Configuration Button
6. User Access Control
Near the bottom of the Settings page is a series of checkboxes to allow precise control of which functions are allowed when the
user is logged in as a guest. These limitations apply only to the Guest login; users logged in as Administrator retain full privileges
and functionality.
The Show Inputs and Relays group lets you decide which inputs or relays appear on the main page. If an input or relay is
checked, it appears on the main page; if not, it does not appear on the main page for those logged in as guests, and consequently
it is not accessible to them.
The Function Control group allows for more precise control of the relays. The ability to toggle relays, activate timed relay closures,
or edit the activation time on the main page can be turned on or off.
The Allow Firmware Update box can be unchecked as an additional security precaution. This setting is universal in the sense
that it applies to both Admin and Guest logins. If the box is unchecked, firmware updates are unconditionally blocked. However,
the firmware update procedure allows an Admin user to override the block for the duration of the update.
At the bottom of the Settings page, click on Network Configuration. The Network Configuration page appears.