
Temperature Controls
Heat Light On
Moisture Vent Control
The heat-on blue indicator light turns on when the control knob is set and cycles “on” and “o” with the heang
element as temperature is maintained.
The temperature control dial is used to select the temperature of the warming drawer.
The warming drawer should only be opened when adding or removing food. Connuous opening of the drawer
allows warm air to escape and make the food colder.
Do not use aluminum foil to line the drawer. It is an excellent heat insulator and will trap heat beneath it. This
may aect the performance of the warming drawer and the interior nish.
The moisture vent control is located at the top inside of the warming drawer. It can be adjusted in any posion
between “open” and “close” to maintain desired degree of moisture.
1. For crispy foods, slide the moisture vent control inward to open the vents and allow the moisture to escape.
2. For moist food, slide the moisture vent control outward to close the vents and seal the moisture inside the