
Chocolate Soufflé
PREP TIME: Approximately 15 minutes
COOK TIME: TurboChef : 5 minutes
Conventional : 20 minutes
Sou és are a little bit of heaven, right there on your plate. Their
reputation for being di cult to prepare is undeserved, as you’ll
see after making this delectable chocolate version. Please do use
the two di erent chocolates as they create the balance of  avors
that make these sou és so remarkable.
1. Select “Cookbooks” on the touchscreen. Select “Desserts &
Sweets followed by “Chocolate Sou é” and press “Preheat” to
begin the preheat cycle.
2. In a double boiler over, not touching, simmering water, melt
the butter and chocolate, stirring to blend. Remove top pan of
the double boiler and let set at room temperature.
3. Separate the eggs, putting the whites in a clean, stainless
steel bowl. In a separate bowl, place 4 egg yolks. Discard the
remaining yolks (or save them for use within a couple of days
for a custard or to thicken a soup). Whip the egg whites until
they begin to thicken and become  u y. Slowly add sugar, salt,
and cream of tartar. Continue to whip until egg whites form
soft peaks.
4. Mix 1/2 cup water into the egg yolks. Add a little bit of the
warm chocolate to the egg mixture to temper it and then, little
by little, beat the yolks mixture into the chocolate. Don’t let the
chocolate become cool or it will leave lumps in the sou é
batter. You can prepare the two sou é mixtures up to this
point and keep them separately at room temperature for up to
2 hours.
5. Butter the bottom and sides of (8) 6-ounce sou é dishes with
softened but not melted butter. Add sugar and rotate the dish
so the sugar coats the entire inside of the dish.
6. When ready to bake, fold about one quarter of the meringue
into the chocolate to make a smooth mixture. Gently fold the
remaining meringue into the chocolate, making sure not to
lose the air in the whites that will cause the sou é to rise to its
impressive heights.
7. Fill each dish about 7/8 full with the sou é batter and place
the 8 dishes in the oven—directly onto the rack. Press “Start
and bake under “Chocolate Sou é” for 5 minutes. Sou é
should come up about 1/2-inch over the top of the sou é dish
and be set, but still soft in the center. Serve them in the sou é
dishes. Dust with confectioners’ sugar, if desired.
Yield: 8 servings
Crumb-Topped Apple Pie
PREP TIME: Approximately 1 hour
COOK TIME: TurboChef : 30 minutes
Conventional : 1 hour, 10 minutes
Select a  rm apple with a tart taste for best results— Cortland,
McIntosh, Macoun are good and so are New Zealand Jazz, Pink
Lady, or the always-available Granny Smith. The crumb topping on
this pie coupled with tart apples makes this taste like an old-
fashioned favorite.
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
7-1/2 ounces 99% cocoa butter
dark chocolate
7-1/2 ounces 70% cocoa butter
dark chocolate
13 large eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
pinch of salt
confectioners’ sugar (optional)
1-3/4 cups unbleached  our
10 tablespoons butter, cut
into 6 pieces
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
9 cups peeled, cored, and
sliced apples
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons unbleached  our
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup unbleached  our
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 tablespoons butter, softened
at room temperature
1. Melt butter and
chocolate in the top of
a double boiler, stirring
with a spatula.
2. Carefully, fold the beaten
egg whites into the
chocolate mixture.
3. Fill individual sou é
dishes almost to capacity
– 7/8 full.