User Manual

Apple Juice Sorbet
Makes about 1 quart
This nonfat, easy sorbet starts with frozen apple juice concentrate.
1 can (12 oz) frozen apple juice concentrate, partially thawed
2 cups water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/3 cup light corn syrup
Place ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until smooth. Chill in the refrigerator until
ready to freeze. Pour into the ice cream maker and follow the instructions for freezing.
Kiwi Sorbet
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
4 kiwifruits; pared
5 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. grated lemon peel
Combine water, sugar and corn syrup in saucepan. cook and stir 2 minutes or until sugar is dissolved.
Puree kiwifruit in food processor or blender to equal 3/4 cup puree. Add lemon juice, lemon peel and
sugar mixture. Chill in the refrigerator until ready to freeze. Pour into the ice cream maker and follow the
instructions for freezing.
Thank you for purchasing your
Ice Cream Maker
Hazelnut Gelato
Makes about 1 quart
Toast hazelnuts in a shallow pan in a 350° oven for 8 to 9 minutes, remove, place on a heavy towel and
rub nuts vigorously in the towel to remove brown skins.
1 cup toasted hazelnuts, as many skins removed as possible
2 cups half-and-half
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
2/3 cup dark corn syrup
2 tablespoons Frangelico or brandy
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
dash salt
Process nuts in a food processor or blend until very fine. Heat half-and-half in a small saucepan until
bubbles form around the edge and mixture is quite warm. Beat eggs and egg yolks together in a small
bowl. Carefully add about 1/2 cup hot cream mixture, a spoonful at a time, into eggs to gradually warm
them. Return eggs to cream in saucepan and continue cooking over low heat, stirring constantly until
mixture forms custard and reaches 160° on a candy thermometer. Remove saucepan from heat and place
pan in another bowl of cold or ice water to cool mixture to lukewarm. Pour through a strainer into a
blender or food processor; add remaining ingredients. Process until smooth. Cover and refrigerate until
ready to freeze. Follow the instructions for freezing.
Bittersweet Chocolate Mocha Sorbet
Makes about 1 quart
This is marvelous on its own or paired with a scoop of vanilla or butterscotch ice cream.
6 oz bittersweet chocolate, melted
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 - 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons instant espresso coffee powder
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
dash salt
Melt chocolate in a microwave on MEDIUM or in the top of a double boiler. Stir in oil when
chocolate is completely melted and smooth. In a small saucepan, bring water and sugar to boil and cook
for 2 to 3 minutes to dissolve the sugar. Stir in coffee. Combine warm melted chocolate with hot water
mixture and mix well. Pour into a blender; add corn syrup, vanilla and salt. Blend well. Chill in the
refrigerator until ready to freeze. Blend for a few seconds before pouring into the ice cream maker.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for freezing.
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