User Manual

Page 27
Using the Vimtag app from your computer, you can use the control
arrows on the left, right, top, and bottom of the screen to move the
camera’s viewing location. These controls are only available as you move
the mouse to hover over the display edges (top center, bottom center,
left center and right center).
Operating the Camera
The Vimtag app provides several icons that enable you to control the
camera and initiate actions such as recording a video, creating a snapshot,
etc. remotely. While the options are very similar on all platforms, there
are some differences. For example, on a mobile device, you can use
standard zoom in and zoom out methods, while this functionality is not
available when operating the camera from a computer.
To operate the camera:
1. On the Dashboard of the Vimtag app, there is a thumbnail image for
each device that has been associated to the account. Select the
device you want to view from the dashboard by clicking the image
related to that device. The camera picture opens to almost the full
screen and the right panel shows the device list.
2. Use the following controls to operate the camera:
Note: Dragging sliders to the left will decrease the level of the setting,
while dragging to the right will increase the setting.
Mute and unmute the sound. This is the sound that may
be happening in the viewing area.
Note: By default, the sound is muted.