User manual

Check that the electricity supply to your home is appropriate to the device. The required voltage and fre-
quency can be read on the back of the device beside the socket for the mains. If the electricity supply is
appropriate, push the inlet connector of the supplied mains cable firmly into socket for the mains on the
back of the device. Connect the other end of the mains cable to a mains socket.
Operation Button(s) Description
Switch on and off
The amplifier is switched on and off using this button at the front panel,
there is no standby option. When switched off the device is internally
separated from the AC power. The switching operation is signalled via
the cables connected in the terminal “POWER CONTROL”.
As a precaution, before switching on, the volume setting should be
reduced. After switching on, the LED on the VOLUME dial flashes and
the device needs a few seconds before it is ready to operate.
This is the case if the volume LED is constantly lit.
Change the volume
Using the front panel buttons: Turn the knob “VOLUME” clockwise to
turn up the volume and counter-clockwise to turn it down.
Using the remote control: Hold down the button “VOL
” to turn the
volume up. Use “VOL
” to turn it down.
The volume setting does never influence the signal at the output
“OUTPUT REC” (12).
Select an input
If you turn the dial “INPUT”, you select one of the devices connected
to the inputs on the back of the SA-96 (13) or the USB device.
Before switching over the input channel, the volume should be turned
down as a precaution! The choice of input has no effect on the
functions of the built-in MP3 player and on the status of a connected
USB device.
Mute the headphone
and the preamplifier
The MUTE function can only be operated with the remote control.
It switches off the headphone (8) as well as the preamplifier outputs (15).
While the Mute function is switched on, the LED on the volume dial
flashes. Pressing it again restores the volume to its original setting.
The Mute function does not influence the signal at the output
“REC OUTPUT” (13).
Plug in the
USB storage medium
Connect the USB stick or USB–A plug of the device to be connected
to the USB socket (9) of the SA-96. This can be done at any time,
even if another input (3) has been selected. The now following
registering procedure is performed automatically. If a suitable device is
connected, then the LED “DISK” (4) lights up. First all directories and
their subdirectories will be searched for files with the suffix “.mp3”.
If at least one suitable file is found, the display “MP3” (5) lights up.
Please note that a search will be performed only for files with an
“.mp3” suffix and no check will be made on whether such files are
valid MP3 files. Files wrongly marked with the “MP3” file extension
will be played without sound.
It is not possible to use USB host devices such as for
instance personal computers.
Play MP3s
(SKIP back)
It is only after the search procedure that pressing the “PLAY/PAUSE”
button (1) activates the start of playback. The LED “PLAY” (6) is lit
during playback. In order to be able to hear the current playback of
the MP3 files through headphones or connected end amplifiers, the
input “USB” must be selected on the “INPUT” input selection dial (3).
The files stored on the main directory of the storage medium are
played first, followed by the files in the subdirectories. It is possible
during MP3 playback to switch to the other input channels without
interrupting the MP3 playback. If you press the “PLAY/PAUSE” (1)
again, you activate and deactivate the playback pause.
The LED “PLAY” is switched off during the pause.
By using the SKIP buttons (1) you can skip to the next or the previous
track during playback. These buttons cannot be used for fast forward
or reverse.
The device has no separate “STOP” button. To stop playback, press the
“RESET” button (1) on the front of the device. The index of contents will
then be read in again from the storage medium.
Remove the
USB storage medium
The SA-96 preamplifier has no separate button for logging off from or
ejecting the USB device. Before you remove the USB plug or the USB
device, put the built-in player into “STOP" mode by pressing the “RESET”
button (1) and waiting for 20 seconds until the index of contents has
been read in again. This is finished when the LED “MP3” (4) is
constantly lit or the search for music tracks has not produced any results
within 20 seconds. With USB sticks you will know this by the fact that its
LED ceases to flash. Only then is it safe to break the USB connection.
The play function of the MP3 player and the USB functions are independent of the choice of input. If the
SA-96 preamplifier is switched on, a USB device can be attached or playback can be started or finished
at any time.