
OOppeerraattiioonn BBuuttttoonn DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Switch on and off
When switched off the device is internally separated from the AC power.
It has no standby circuit, it is switched on and off at the front panel and
not from the remote controller.
Change the volume
VVOOLL++ ((3344))
VVOOLL -- ((3344))
At the front panel: Turn the knob „MASTER VOLUME“ clockwise to increase
the volume, and counter clockwise to decrease it.
Using remote control: Keep the button „VOL+“ pressed to increase the
volume. Use the button „VOL-“ to decrease it.
In the process of changing volume the display changes to indicating the
momentary numerical value of the setting. The volume minimum appears
at -80dB, the maximum volume setting is 00dB.
Select the input source
IInnppuutt sseelleeccttoorr
At the front panel: Turn the button „INPUT”
Using remote control: Shortly press the corresponding touch button to
change to the desired input channel (for example „CD“ or „VCR“).
The display now shows the name of the selected input channel.
As a precaution, prior to changing the input channel the value of the
volume setting should be reduced!
Mute the volume
MMUUTTEE ((3355))
The mute function can be activated only from the remote control.
It cuts off the preamplifier’s output signals and thereby silences the
loudspeakers. The next push on the button will recover the original volume.
While the system is muted, the display (2) shows “MUTE”.
Change Bass and
Treble settings
SSEETT ((3300))
TT//BB ((3311))
Here, if required, you can increase or decrease the Treble and Bass.
Maximum increased intensity is achieved at +10 and maximum
decreased intensity at –10.
After pressing “TONE” for the first time, the proportion of the higher
frequencies of the acoustic pattern (Treble) can be changed using the
rotary “PARAMETER” control or the “SET” keys. If the “TONE” key is
pressed a second time, the proportion of the lower frequencies of the
acoustic pattern (Bass) can be changed.
If the tone is not to be changed, it is recommended that the tone control
(“TONE” function) be switched off and not only set to 00. To do this, the
“TONE” key is pressed three times until “TONE ON” appears in the
display and then either one of the “SET” keys is pressed or the rotary
“PARAMETER” knob is used. Bypassing the tone control can be achieved
more quickly by using the remote-control button “T/B”. “BYPASS” appears
in the display. The set values are being stored. To switch Tone Control back
on again, repeat one of the steps just described.
OOppeerraattiioonn BBuuttttoonn DDeessccrriippttiioonn
Automatic detection
and decoding of
HDCD signals with
digital sound
After the “SPEAKER” key of the preamplifier has been pressed again from
normal mode, automatic HDCD-decoding on detection of an HDCD-signal
can be switched on or off using the rotating “PARAMETER” knob or the
“SET” keys. The SAV-C2 preamplifier is equipped with an HDCD-decoder,
which allows it to play discs of this format from a standard non-HDCD
capable CD or DVD-player, if it is connected via a digital sound connection.
Therefore the HDCD setting in the “SPEAKER” menu only has an effect on the
four inputs that have a digital sound connection (CD, DVD, SAT, D-TV). In the
display, “HDCDON” is now shown constantly instead of the audio playback
mode. Despite this, the audio playback mode can be changed by using
“MODE” (7)(25). If the setting is active and an HDCD signal is also received,
this is shown in the display by the symbol “HDCD IN”. Because the unit auto-
matically distinguishes between the standard CD signal and the HDCD signal,
the HDCD option can remain switched on even when playing conventional
CD’s. The setting is retained if another input channel is selected or the audio
playback mode is changed. The setting also does not change if one of the
preamplifier inputs “CD”, “DVD”, “SAT” or “D-TV” has been set to analogue
input connection and back to digital signal input connection using “IN
MODE” (6)(21).
Switch between use of
the analogue and digital
sound connection for the
four preamplifier inputs
SAT/AUX1 and
One analogue stereo sound connector (with RCA socket) and one of the four
digital sound connectors (OPTICAL, COAXIAL1, COAXIAL2, COAXIAL3) is
provided for each of the preamplifier inputs “CD/AV1”, “DVD/AV2”,
“SAT/AUX1” and “D-TV/AUX2”. For each of these inputs therefore you have
the choice of using the analogue or the currently allocated digital sound
connector. Which of the four digital sound connectors is allocated to which
preamplifier input can be changed using the “DIN.SET” (22) function.
The “IN MODE” key is used to switch between analogue and digital sound.
It must be remembered that the current setting (AIN = analogue input,
DIN = digital input) is not stored separately for each of the four preamplifier
inputs, but that they are switched over globally. Therefore this switchover
may have to be reset after an input is changed.
Change the allocation
of the four digital sound
connections OPT, CO1,
CO2 and CO3 to the
four preamplifier inputs
“SAT/AUX1” and
One analogue stereo sound connection (with RCA socket) and one of the four
digital sound connectors (OPT, CO1, CO2, CO3) is provided for each of the
preamplifier inputs “CD/AV1”, “DVD/AV2”, “SAT/AUX1” and “D-TV/AUX2”.
For each of these inputs therefore you can choose to use an analogue or a
digital sound connector. Which of the four digital sound connectors is alloca-
ted to which preamplifier input can be changed using the “DIN.SET” function.
After pressing once on this button, the unit expects the four input selector keys
“CD/AV1”, “DVD/AV2”, “SAT/AUX1”, and “D-TV/AUX2” to be pressed in
sequence. And indeed in the sequence, in which you wish to allocate these
inputs to the digital sound connections at the back of the unit shown respec-
tively in the display. This operation cannot be cancelled; if a wrong button
was pressed, the setting process must be repeated.
Compress the sound’s
dynamics in “Dolby
Digital” mode
Movie sound has such an impressive effect particularly because of its dynamics,
that is the occasionally large and fast changes in volume. So as other people
are less disturbed by having to listen involuntarily, many home-cinema systems
provide a switch for reducing the dynamics of the sound (loud passages are
quieter and quiet ones louder), so that quiet film passages can still be under-
stood at low volumes and the noise nuisance is reduced during loud sound
sequences Activate this option, which is also known by the terms “Midnight”
and “Late Night” by briefly pressing the “NIGHT” key; pressing it again
switches this type of sound-processing off again. This function can only be
operated with the remote control and is only possible for Dolby Digital
(“DIG5.1” or “DIG.EX”)!