
Symptom Possible Cause Countermeasure
Unit does not work
after pressing the
power button
Mains cable is not connected to a suitable
mains wall outlet.
Mains cable has not been firmly inserted into
wall power socket and the device’s socket.
Otherwise it may be defective.
Unit fuse or unit is defective.
Connect to a functioning socket using a suit-
able mains voltage.
Check the power cable. If necessary,
exchange it with a suitable mains cable and
push its plug firmly into wall socket and the
device's power connector.
Contact your dealer.
No sound on both
channels although
the unit is ready for
use (LED “WARM UP“
is lit)
The output of the tuner is not connected or is
not connected correctly to the selected input
channel terminal of the amplifier.
No frequency with a strong enough signal is
No appropriate antenna corresponding to the
frequency band (AM/FM) is attached to the
A wrong input channel has been selected at
the amplifier.
Volume level has been set too low.
The amplifier is muted (MUTE-Function).
Correct the connection.
Set a station frequency with a strong signal. In
case of AM reception, try to position the anten-
na in a better way.
Attach an appropriate antenna (11)(12).
Set the amplifier to the input that your desired
source is connected to.
Carefully increase the output level.
Deactivate the MUTE function after, as a pre-
caution, reducing the volume level.
No audio playback
on one channel
One of the signal cables between tuner out-
put and (pre-)amplifier input has not yet been
plugged in or is defective.
Check the cable connections, tighten them if
Weak reception
or no reception
Antenna not or not properly connected.
The antenna for medium wave (AM) is not
positioned correctly.
Source of disturbance is near.
The operating mode (AM, FM) is in the
wrong setting.
The signal of FM station is too weak (transmit-
ter is possibly at a great distance).
Check the connection of the antenna (11)(12)
belonging to the selected operating mode
(AM, FM).
Try various possibilities for placing and posi-
tioning the antenna.
Try to locate and eliminate the disturbance.
Change the operating mode (AM, FM) with
the button “AM/FM” (7)(19).
Try to improve the reception by pressing the
button “ST/MONO” (4)(23) or search for
another station.