Use and Care Manual

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2.1 LED Functions
ON Compressor enabled
Flashing Anti-short cycle enabled
ON Defrost cycle enabled
ON Fan enabled
Flashing Fan delay after defrost enabled
ON Alarm occurring
ON Temperature measuring unit
Flashing Programming mode
3) Alarm Signals
3.1 Code Description
Temperature probe faulty Compressor switching to Con and CoF
High temperature alarm
Probe temperature ALU higher than the
setting temperature; Outputs unchanged
Low temperature alarm
Probe temperature ALL lower than the
setting temperature; Outputs unchanged
External alarm All outputs off
3.2 Alarm Recovery
Probe alarms P1”, start a few seconds after the fault in the related probe; they
automatically stop a few seconds after the probe restarts normal operation.
Check connections before replacing the probe. Temperature alarms “HA”, “LA”
automatically stops as soon as the temperature returns to normal value. Alarm
“CA” (with i1F=PAL) recovers only by switching off and on the instrument.
4) Temperature Set-Point
4.1 How to see the set-point
1. Press and immediately release the SET key, the display will show the set-point
2. Press again and immediately release the SET key or wait for 5 seconds to
display the probe value again.
4.2 How to change the set-point
1. Press the SET key for more than 3 seconds until the “°C” or “°F” LED starts
blinking and the set-point will be displayed.
2. To change the set value, press the up/down keys
/ within 10 sec.
3. To store the new set-point value, press the SET key again or wait 10 sec.