User manual
Page 27
McDSP 4040 Retro Limiter
The 4040 Retro Limiter simple design relies on two basic controls
to get maximal signal level with minimal distortion and a highly
stylized vintage sound.
Ceiling - the maximum signal level
Gain - the amount of signal level boost, up to
36 dB
The 4040 Retro Limiter Noise Filter has meters showing input signal
output signal levels.
General Information
To adjust any of the 4040 Retro Limiter controls the user can:
• Hold the <Command> key while dragging the slider for ne control, or
• Click on the text box to highlight and edit the numeric value to get precise
control (if a value outside the valid range is input, the control will default to
the nearest allowed value when enter is hit) and hit <Enter>, or
• Click on the text box to highlight the numeric value and then use the arrow
keys to increase or decrease the numeric value, or
• Use the <Option> key to bring all the controls to their default values, or
• Use hardware controller surfaces supported by the 4040 Retro Limiter plug-in
including the Mackie HUI and Digidesign’s ICON™, ProControl™ and Control