User's Manual

Figure 4.18. VirtueMart Administration: Product Form, Tab 3 - Product Status
Quantity in Stock The current quantity in stock for the item. Used for shipping
and inventory purposes.
Availability Date When the current quantity in stock is available for distribution.
Used for shipping and inventory purposes.
Availability Text / Image This is used to display it on the product details page. E.g.: "48
hrs." or "On Order". Alternatively you can select an availability
image from the drop-down list below.
You can use your own images here! Just copy them
to the direcory /shop_image/availability and then you
can select them here.
On Special? (Featured?) Used to indicate whether there are any specials running for the
product. When checked, this product will be displayed on the
"Featured Products Module".
Discount Type The type of special being run on the product. Select a discount
from the discount list. When there are no discounts, create one
using the Product Discont Form.
Advanced Attribute List Syntax:
Adds easy attributes to the product. These are attributes which
can be selected by a customer. This does not create items for
each attribute value! If you want to check the stock on each
item (e.g. green, red and black T-Shirts...use the Attribute Form