
1/3-inch 3-CCD Color Video Camcorder
The GY-X3 is the camcorder you always wanted but could not afford.
By employing professional camera technology in an economical way,
JVC brings you a professional 3-CCD camera that breaks all previ-
ous price barriers. The GY-X3 offers all the performance of pro-
fessional 3-CCD cameras — high resolution, high sensitivity,
low noise and natural color — at an incredible price.
In addition to all its power and sophistication, the GY-X3 is
remarkably easy to use. Automated camera functions allow
point-and-shoot operation, even in the most difficult situations.
Full Auto Shooting (FAS) Mode
When shooting in bright daylight or in fast changing environments, the Full
Auto Shooting (FAS) mode instantly adjusts to changes in shooting condi-
tions. Equipped with automated camera functions like ALC , EEI and Full
Time Auto White, FAS lets you concentrate on the creative aspects of shoot-
ing instead of bumbling around on switches and knobs. FAS is especially
important when something unexpected happens, and you need to begin
shooting immediately. Plus, you are always in control of the zoom, focus and
record trigger.
7-Day Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Professional Picture Performance
Three 1/3˝ high density CCDs deliver horizontal
resolution of 550 lines and natural color reproduc-
tion, even at the lowest light levels. With three
CCDs, you do not have to settle any longer for
the compromises inherent in 1-CCD systems.
Offers a superb S/N ratio of 60 dB. Signal-to-
noise (S/N) is a key parameter that indicates the
noise content of a television signal. Noise can
appear as distortion or snow in the recorded signal
and is amplified when the tape is dubbed. The
higher the S/N ratio, the less noise in the signal.
Like all JVC cameras, the GY-X3 assures great
results regardless of the amount of light on your
subject. In low light situations, you can choose
from a variety of Gain settings up to +24 dB with
nary an increase in video noise. You can also acti-
vate the Maximum Gain Mode to shoot in near
total darkness – achieving 100% video level with
only 4 lux minimum illumination, unprecedented
for a camera in this price range.
Incorporates a professional full-size VCR head
drum for best tape interchange with other VCRs.
This is especially important when editing. The
full-size drum also provides a smooth, stress-free
tape path that minimizes jitters and eliminates any
possibility of tape damage. Two flying erase heads
allow clean transitions when doing “in camera
editing. There is also an insert edit function.
Automatic Level Control (ALC) — With ALC you can pan from a brightly
lit area to a dimly lit area in one take, without adjusting Gain settings. The
GY-X3 automatically detects and applies the correct amount of Gain, leav-
ing you to concentrate on getting the shot. Especially ideal when the light-
ing changes unexpectedly.
Extended Electronic Iris (EEI) — Allows continuous automatic shooting in
all light levels. Working with ALC, the Extended Electronic Iris provides a
continuously variable shutter without using the ND (neutral density) filters
needed by ordinary cameras. This means you have continuous automatic
point-and-shoot operation with smooth transitions from dark hallways to
bright outdoor settings.
Full Time Auto White Balance — Move from incandescent to fluorescent
to outdoor lighting without changing white balance. The Full Time Auto
White function analyzes the color temperature of a light source and contin-
uously corrects for changes. This means you can follow a bride from out-
door sunlight through a fluorescent lit hallway into a reception room and
never have to adjust the white balance. Full Time Auto White is also indis-
pensible when shooting outdoor sunset weddings where the color tempera-
ture changes as the sun sets.