
1/2-inch 3-CCD S-VHS Camcorder
Lightweight and ergonomically designed, the GY-X2B is a rugged,
full-size S-VHS camcorder with advanced features at an excep-
tionally affordable price. It combines three 1⁄2˝ CCDs with
Micro-Lens technology to deliver resolution and sensitivity
that are nothing short of astonishing. Exclusive LoLux tech-
nology means near perfect reproduction, even when shooting
down to 1.5 lux. Other functions such as Quick Recording
mode, Variable Scan, Multi-Zone Iris and Full Time Auto
White Balance, make the GY-X2B easy to operate even under the toughest conditions.
Superb Optical Performance
Equipped with three 1⁄2˝ interline trans-
fer CCD sensors, each with 380,00
effective pixels. By employing innovative
light-amplifying micro lenses over each
and every pixel, the GY-X2B achieves
high sensitivity of f/8.0 at 2000 lux.
Uses a high quality glass prism beam
splitter with spatial offset to deliver
750 lines of horizontal resolution.
With light amplifying micro-lenses in
front of the CCDs, JVC was able to use
a larger light shield to reduce reflections
and light leakages — thus dramatically
reducing smear. Innovative circuitry fur-
ther enhances performance and helps the
camera attain an outstanding 62dB
S/N ratio.
Multi-Zone Iris Weighting
This system gives preference to objects at
the central and lower portions of the pic-
ture. This provides highly accurate Auto
Iris exposures under any shooting condi-
tions, even if a bright subject moves into
the picture.
Automatic Level Up
The recorder section has an Automatic
Level Up (ALU) circuit to improve multi-
generation chroma S/N ratio. Found on
JVC professional VCRs, the ALU circuit
records low level chroma signals at h
than normal level. During playback, the
ACC circuit compresses the chroma back
to its normal level. Tape noise is also com-
pressed by the same amount, thus produc-
ing far less chroma noise.
Continuous Auto Black
In addition to ATW, the GY-X2B has a
Continuous Auto Black (CAB) circuit
that provides continuous sampling of the
CCD’s optical Black. This assures perfect
black balance under changing environ-
ments without the need to interrupt
shooting to rebalance.
Auto EQ Function
An Auto EQ function records high and
low frequency reference signals to assure
optimum video resolution when played
back on JVC’s professional VCRs.
In addition to the camera-mounted mic,
two external mics can be connected via
rear XLR connectors.
Two Hi-Fi channels with a dynamic range
of 80 dB and a frequency response from
20 Hz to 20k Hz, plus two linear tracks
with Dolby NR.
The camera has an integrated speaker to
monitor audio and warning signals dur-
ing recording and to review the sound
track during on-the-spot playback.
Quick Recording Mode
Quick Recording Mode also incorporates
a Full Time Auto White (FAW) circuit
which automatically tracks color tempera-
ture, allowing continuous shooting from
incandescent to fluorescent to outdoor
light without adjusting white balance or
changing the filter wheel.
Sometimes, losing a few seconds to set up
can mean losing a shot. When Quick
Record Mode is turned on, the camera is
set to Auto Iris, even if the lens is set to
manual. Also activated is the Automatic
Level Control (ALC) with Extended
Electronic Iris (EEI) which provides vari-
able gain and variable shutter. This allows
continuous shooting from dark indoors to
bright outdoors without the need to
change Gain, Iris or ND filter. (To make
sure you dont miss any of the action, the
GY-X2B also features a Quick Start
mechanism that begins recording 0.5 sec-
onds after pressing the trigger.)
We are on the web at: www.bhphotovideo.com
Getting the low light performance usually associated with surveillance cameras out of a
3-CCD professional camera was not an easy feat. But JVC engineers are known for tech-
nological breakthroughs, and the GY-X2B was the perfect challenge. The result is called
LoLux. By combining an extremely quiet +24 dB Gain with a unique pixel read-out sys-
tem and signal processing, JVC has achieved an effective Gain of +30 dB without the
noise usually associated with this much amplification. Now you can capture superb pic-
tures with excellent color balance at a mere 1.5 lux illumination. The GY-X2B can actu-
ally see better in the dark than you can!