Product Info

If a digital key has expired, it can only still be used
to unlock and lock the vehicle for a limited period
of time. The corresponding information is shown
on the Control Display.
Transferring digital keys
The vehicle owner can transfer a digital key for
his vehicle to another person via the BMW Con-
nected app.
When a digital key is transferred, a transaction
number TAN will be generated. Another person
can pair the digital key in the vehicle with this
TAN and the Digital Key Code. This makes it
possible to allow another person to use the vehi-
cle without having to be at the vehicle.
The TAN and the Digital Key Code should only
be disclosed in person or by phone.
The transferred digital key can be removed in the
vehicle or via the BMW Connected app at any
If a digital key has been removed via the BMW
Connected app, it can only still be used to unlock
and lock the vehicle for a limited period of time.
The corresponding information is shown on the
Control Display.
As soon as the vehicle is used with another digi-
tal key or with a remote control, the removed dig-
ital key can no longer be used.
Pairing digital keys in the vehicle
To pair a digital key, a remote control must be lo-
cated in the vehicle or an active digital key of the
vehicle owner must be in the smartphone tray.
If the digital key was transferred by the vehicle
owner, it may not be possible to meet this re-
quirement. In this case, it is necessary to enter
the Digital Key Code and the TAN. The vehicle
can already be unlocked with the transferred dig-
ital key before it is paired.
Place the smartphone with the digital key to be
paired into the smartphone tray.
Via iDrive:
1. "My Vehicle"
2. "Settings"
3. "Doors"
4. "BMW Digital Key"
5. "Add new digital key"
6. If necessary, enter the Digital Key Code and
the TAN.
After the digital key has been paired, its name will
be displayed in the list of digital keys.
Activating/deactivating digital keys
in the vehicle
A digital key can be deactivated temporarily.
To activate or deactivate a digital key, a remote
control must be located in the vehicle or an ac-
tive digital key of the vehicle owner must be in
the smartphone tray.
Via iDrive:
"My Vehicle"
2. "Settings"
3. "Doors"
4. "BMW Digital Key"
5. Select the desired digital key.
6. "Digital key active"
A deactivated digital key remains in the list of
paired digital keys.
Removing digital keys in the vehicle
To remove a digital key, a remote control must
be located in the vehicle or another active digital
key of the vehicle owner must be in the smart-
phone tray. To remove all digital keys, a remote
control must be located in the vehicle.
Via iDrive:
"My Vehicle"
2. "Settings"
3. "Doors"
4. "BMW Digital Key"
Seite 6
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