User's Manual Part 1

Copyright © 2014 Visual Land Inc. All rights reserved.
Google, Android, Gmail, Google Maps, Chrome, Chromecast, Android Wear,
Nexus, Google Play, YouTube, Google+, and other trademarks are property
of Google Inc. A list of Google trademarks is available at
com/permissions/trademark/our-trademarks.html. All other marks and
trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
This book introduces Android 5.0, Lollipop for Google Play edition devices.
Its content may differ in some details from some of the products described
or the software that runs on them. All information provided here is subject to
change without notice.
For best results, make sure you’re running the latest Android system update.
To nd your device’s version number or check for the latest system update,
go to Settings > System > About tablet and look for
Android version or System updates.