User's Manual

PRESTIGE Android Tablet Guide Book
©2013 Visual Land Inc. Page | 75
Examples include:
“Set alarm for 8:30 a.m.”
“Send email to Marcus Foster. Subject: Coming tonight?
Message: Hope to see you later.”
“Navigate to Mike’s Bikes in Palo Alto.”
Voice Actions commands
Voice Actions are only supported in English, French,
German, Spanish, and Italian.
To see examples of Voice Actions commands on the
Google Now screen, say “Google,” then “Help.”
This table also lists some key Voice Actions phrases.
App name "Open Gmail"
"Create a calendar
"Event description" &
"day/date" & "time"
"Create a calendar
event: Dinner in San
Francisco, Saturday
at 7:00PM"
Map of
Address, name,
business name, type
of business, or other
“Map of Golden Gate
Park, San Francisco.”
Directions to” or
Navigate to
Address, name,
business name, type
of business, or other
“Directions to 1299
Colusa Avenue,
Berkeley, California”
“Navigate to Union
San Francisco.”
"Post to Google+"
What you want
posted to Google+
"Post to Google+ I'm
going out of town."
"What's this song?"
When you hear a
song, ask "What's this