User's Manual Part 1

Table Of Contents
Copyright © 2004, Vivato, Inc. Vivato Wi-Fi AP/Bridge User Guide 47
Entering the Initial Configuration Information in the Quick Setup
Initial Configuration Using the Built-In Web Pages
Basic Security Setup
The Basic Security settings are used to enable wired equivalent privacy (WEP) security. Unless your
network is intended to be totally open for use by any 802.11b client, you should always WEP.
Note: To use 802.1x security, select No Security and proceed to the Wireless Options setup
page and reboot the Wi-Fi AP/Bridge when prompted. 802.1x security is not configurable
from the VivatoVision web interface in this firmware release, but can be configured using
the command line interface.
Figure 7—Basic Security Setup Page
No Security: This setting allows any wireless client to associate with the Wi-Fi AP/Bridge
without using passwords, data encryption, or authentication. Unless you are providing open
Wi-Fi operation to anyone who desires it, this setting is not recommended. As shown below,
you can select a link to take you back to the previous screen in order to select and configure
WEP security.