User Manual

6) The Language options include:
English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Turkish
7) Push the UP- T/Zoom In or DOWN- W/Zoom Out button to highlight the desired language option.
8) Press the Shutter button to select and save your option.
9) A selected option icon appears on the item as you exit the Language menu and return to the
Setup Menu.
10) Press the MODE button to return to Mode List.
11) Select one of the active camcorder modes (DSC, Video, Playback) and press the Shutter button to
exit the Mode List enter the selected mode.
Frequency Menu
The options in the Frequency menu represent the frequency of the electrical current in fluorescent
lighting sources in your locale. If your camera is set to a frequency that does not match your country‟s
electric current, you may see flickering or waves on the images taken by your camera.
1) Press the MODE button to open the Mode List.
2) Push the UP-T/Zoom In or the DOWN-W/Zoom Out button down to highlight the SETUP mode
3) Press the Shutter button to open the Setup Menu options.
4) Push the UP-T/Zoom In or the DOWN-W/Zoom Out button down to highlight the Frequency
5) Press the Shutter button to open the Frequency Menu options.
6) The Frequency options include:
50Hz UK, Europe and Australia
60Hz US, Canada and South America
7) Push the UP- T/Zoom In or DOWN- W/Zoom Out button to highlight the desired frequency option.
8) Press the Shutter button to select and save your option.