User's Manual

ViVOpay 8850 User Guide 13
Chapter 3
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
The ViVOpay 8850 readers are reliable and easy to troubleshoot. The components that may require
troubleshooting include the power supply, the reader and the data cable.
Symptom Possible Cause Probable Cause and Remedy
General Issues
Reader does not appear to be
powered on—no LEDs lit, no
LCD display.
Reader not powered on.
Incorrect power supply used.
Check cable connections.
Verify that power is on and correct voltage and
current are present.
Replace the power supply.
Verify that power cable plug is fully inserted.
Replace the power supply.
Replace the reader.
Reading Cards/Fobs/Phones
LEDs do not light and beeper is
not audible when
card/fob/phone is presented.
Card/fob/phone not properly
Metal or RF interference.
Wrong Firmware issue (contact your
local support representative).
Reader not powered on or incorrect
Incorrect power supply used.
Unsupported card/fob/phone used.
Present card/fob/phone closer to the reader
and ensure it’s parallel to the reader touch
Verify that the card/fob/phone is valid/current.
Test with “ViVOcard Contactless Test Card”
part number 241-0015-03.
Try a different card/fob/phone.
Verify that the unit is not near any large metal
Verify that correct firmware is loaded (local
support representative only).
Verify that power is on and correct voltage and
current are present.
Verify that power cable plug is fully inserted.
Replace the reader.
Some cards/fobs/phones read,
but not all.
Wrong firmware (contact your local
support representative).
Possible bad card/fob/phone.
Unsupported card used.
Verify that correct firmware is loaded on
reader (local support representative only).
Check to see if card/fob/phone is damaged.
Try a different card/fob/phone.
On power-up, display sticks on
firmware version.
SAM card isn’t seated properly. Remove power from unit, remove back cover and
reseat SAM card. If unsure, contact ViVOtech
Support for assistance.