User Manual

bit 20~16: Brightness (0)20~(31)100%, unit=2.5%
bit 15~13: LED control mode (0)DI/(1)Direct/(2)Timer/(3) Light
bit 12: LED status (1)on/ (0)off READ ONLY
bit 11~10: Fade inout (0)Off/(1)Fast/(2)Slow
bit 9: DI active polarity (1)Hi/(0)Lo, bit 8: DO active polarity
bit 7~6: Reserved
bit 5~4: DO mode (0)Light sensor state/ (1)LED state/ (2)Diagnostic
bit 3~1: Light sensor threshold (6)infinite/ (5)100/ (4)50/ (3)20/
(2)10/ (1)5/ (0)1 %
bit 0: LED indicator control (1)on/ (0)off
Read Clock Date
FF 01 22 00 00 00 00 23
Reply: FF 01 22 yy yy mm dd chks,
yyyy/mm/dd = year/month/day
Write Clock Date
FF 01 23 yy yy mm dd chks
yyyy/mm/dd = year/month/day
Read Clock Time
FF 01 24 00 00 00 00 25
Reply: FF 01 24 00 hh mm ss chks,
hh/mm/ss = hours/minutes/seconds
Write Clock Time
FF 01 25 00 hh mm ss chks
hh/mm/ss = hours/minutes/seconds
Write LED Status
FF 01 27 00 00 00 0d chks
d: (1) on, (0)off
Read Lens position
and motor speed
FF 01 28 00 00 00 00 chks
Reply: FF 01 28 00 mm 00 nn chks,
mm: Lens position, mapping to Lens angle range Wide (0x00) ~ Tele
nn: motor speed SLOW(0) ~ FAST(3)
Write Lens position
and motor speed
FF 01 29 00 mm 00 nn chks
mm: Lens position, mapping to Lens angle range Wide (0x00) ~ Tele
nn: motor speed SLOW(0) ~ FAST(3)
Read LED on timer
FF 01 2A 00 00 00 00 2B
Reply: FF 01 2A 00 hh mm ss chks,
hh/mm/ss = hours/minutes/seconds
Write LED on timer
FF 01 2B 00 hh mm ss chks
hh/mm/ss = hours/minutes/seconds
Read LED off timer
FF 01 2C 00 00 00 00 2D
Reply: FF 01 2C 00 hh mm ss chks,
hh/mm/ss = hours/minutes/seconds
Write LED off timer
FF 01 2D 00 hh mm ss chks
hh/mm/ss = hours/minutes/seconds
Read Temperature
FF 01 30 00 00 00 00 31
Reply: FF 01 30 pp qq rr ss chks,