User Manual

Flow of Operation What is Polar Alignment?
Polar align the Polarie
Setting various functions
on the camera
Determining a frame
Turning ON the Polarie
Taking photographs
North or south celestial pole
Diurnal motion
of stars
Rotation axis
of Polarie
The Polarie works as a star tracker when
set up to follow diurnal motion of stars.
It is essential that the rotation axis of the
Polarie is set to be parallel to that of the
diurnal motion of the stars. This is called
polar alignment.
Using the Polarie in the
Northern Hemisphere
To set up the Polarie, you need to
locate the polar star for both wide-
field astro photography and Star-
Sca pe photograph y. The polar
star is a 2nd magnitude star
called Polaris. You can find
Polaris easily using either
of the following methods.
Place the Polarie so that its
rotation axis is parallel to the
earth's axis.
Set a shutter exposure time,
ISO speed and lens aperture
of your camera.
Determine a frame for a shot
and focus on the stars.
Power the Polarie and select
a tracking rate.
Shoot for the stars.