User's Manual

PIN2 code
Some SIM cards are provided with a PIN2 code. To use a function this code may be required. The use of this
code requires the support of the SIM card.
If you key in an incorrect PIN2 code three times in succession, enter the PUK 2 code and then press the key.
When you enter a new PIN2 code, you will have to enter it twice for confirmation and then press the key.
PUK code
The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is used for changing a blocked PIN code. This code is usually supplied
with the SIM card, if not contact your service provider.
If you key in an incorrect PUK code ten times in succession the SIM card will become void and you must obtain
a new card. As the PUK code cannot be changed, contact your service provider if you forget the code.
PUK2 code
The PUK2 code, supplied with some SIM cards, is required to change a blocked PIN2 code. If you key in an
incorrect PUK2 code ten times in succession, you cannot use the functions requiring the PIN2 code. Contact
your service provider for a new card. You cannot change the PUK2 code. If you lose the code, contact your
service provider.
Barring Password
The 4-digit barring password is required when you use the Call Barring function. You can obtain the password
from your service provider when you subscribe to this function.