User`s manual

You can hear directional test sounds by clicking any of the 7 virtual speaker icons
(subwoofer doesn't have a test sound so it cannot be clicked). Same speaker icons also
indicate channel activity. Thus, diagnostic application can be used to determine which
channels are used for audio in other applications.
Notice: if sounds are not played through the headphones, but merely through some
other device in the system (such as computer's internal speaker), check cabling and
status of the default sound device, as described in chapters 3.1 and 3.2 .
Indicator line at the bottom of the window represents tracked head direction. If tracking
sensors are correctly set-up, the line should reflect head movement. If the angle is not
straight up when your head is directly facing the display, adjust tracker offset to
compensate the angle difference. Tracker offset is one of the adjustable parameters
found in the settings screen.
Most of the settings are stored on a per-user basis. User profile management allows
adding new users, all of which can have individual settings. You can switch active user
quickly without the need to manually re-configure the device every time.
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