User's Manual

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vMix User Guide
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Automatically clicks the Advanced button on startup.
Start Fullscreen display
Ticking this open will automatically display the Fullscreen window on startup.
Start Maximised
Start External Output
Automatically start the External Output according to the settings under the External Output tab
Remember Window Position
If the main vMix window is not maximised, this checkbox will remember the position this window and restore
its position each time vMix is opened.
Display confirmation for ...
Checking this box will display a confirmation box before stopping certain tasks such as recording.
Automatically Play Active Input with Transition
If the input is a video clip it will be automatically started when a transition begins.
If the input is a title, the TransitionIn animation will play as the transition in.
When this is disabled, the title will use the standard Overlay transition instead.
Automatically Restart Active Input with Transition
If the input is a video clip it will be restarted automatically when a transition begins.
Automatically Pause Preview Input after Transition
If the input is a video clip it will be automatically paused when a transition to another input ends.
If this input is a title, the TransitionOut animation will play when the Overlay is turned off.
When this is disabled, the title will use the standard Overlay transition instead.
Transition Display
This option allows turning off the Quick Play, Transitions 2-4, FTB, Overlay, T-Bar and Production Clocks
from the main interface in order
to free up space. Production Clocks is turned off by default.
QuickPlay Transition
Customise the transition used when the Quick Play button is pressed.
QuickPlay Duration
Customise how long the QuickPlay transition lasts in milliseconds (default 500 milliseconds)
Activate QuickPlay by clicking Preview Window