Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
Entitling Users and Groups in the Pod Federation
In a traditional View environment, you use View Administrator to create entitlements. These local
entitlements entitle users and groups to a specific desktop pool on a View Connection Server instance.
In a Cloud Pod Architecture environment, you create global entitlements to entitle users or groups to
multiple desktops across multiple pods in the pod federation. When you use global entitlements, you do not
need to configure and manage local entitlements. Global entitlements simplify administration, even in a pod
federation that contains a single pod.
View stores global entitlements in the Global Data Layer. Because global entitlements are shared data,
global entitlement information is available on all View Connection Server instances in the pod federation.
NOTE As a best practice, you should not configure local and global entitlements for the same desktop pool.
If you use both types of entitlements for the same desktop pool, the same desktop might appear as a local
and a global entitlement in the list of desktops that Horizon Client shows to an end user.
Each global entitlement contains a list of member users or groups, a list of the desktop pools that can
provide desktops for entitled users, and a scope policy. The desktop pools in a global entitlement can be
either floating or dedicated pools. You specify whether a global entitlement is floating or dedicated during
global entitlement creation.
A global entitlement's scope policy specifies where View looks for desktops when it allocates desktops to
users in the global entitlement. It also determines whether View looks for desktops in any pod in the pod
federation, in pods that reside in the same site, or only in the pod to which the user is connected.
Finding and Allocating Desktops in the Pod Federation
View Connection Server instances in a Cloud Pod Architecture environment use shared global entitlement
and topology configuration information from the Global Data Layer to determine where to search for and
how to allocate desktops across the pod federation.
When a user requests a desktop from a global entitlement, the Cloud Pod Architecture feature searches for
an available desktop in the pools that are associated with that global entitlement. By default, the Cloud Pod
Architecture feature gives preference to desktops in the local pod, the local site, and pods in other sites, in
that order.
For global entitlements that contain dedicated desktop pools, the Cloud Pod Architecture feature uses the
default search behavior only the first time a user requests a desktop. After the Cloud Pod Architecture
feature allocates a dedicated desktop, it returns the user directly to the same desktop.
You can modify desktop search and allocation behavior for individual global entitlements by setting the
scope policy and configuring home sites.
Configuring Scope Policy to Control Desktop Search
When you create a global entitlement, you must specify its scope policy. The scope policy determines the
scope of the search when the Cloud Pod Architecture feature looks for desktops to satisfy a desktop request
from the global entitlement.
You can set the scope policy so that the Cloud Pod Architecture feature searches for desktops only on the
pod to which the user is connected, only on pods within the same site as the user's pod, or across all pods in
the pod federation.
For global entitlements that contain dedicated desktop pools, the scope policy affects where the Cloud Pod
Architecture feature looks for desktops only the first time a user requests a dedicated desktop. After the
Cloud Pod Architecture feature allocates a dedicated desktop, it returns the user directly to the same
Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture
10 VMware, Inc.