Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
3 When the Initialize dialog box appears, click OK to begin the initialization process.
View Administrator shows the progress of the initialization process. The initialization process can take
several minutes.
After the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is initialized, the pod federation contains the initialized pod
and a single site. The default pod federation name is Horizon Cloud Pod Federation. The default pod
name is based on the host name of the View Connection Server instance. For example, if the host name
is CS1, the pod name is Cluster-CS1. The default site name is Default First Site.
4 When View Administrator prompts you to reload the client, click OK.
After the View Administrator user interface is refreshed, Global Entitlements appears under Catalog
and Sites appears under View Configuration in the View Administrator Inventory panel.
5 (Optional) To change the default name of the pod federation, select View Configuration > Cloud Pod
Architecture, click Edit, type the new name in the Name text box, and click OK.
6 (Optional) To change the default name of the pod, select View Configuration > Sites, select the pod,
click Edit, type the new name in the Name text box, and click OK.
7 (Optional) To change the default name of the site, select View Configuration > Sites, select the site,
click Edit, type the new name in the Name text box, and click OK.
What to do next
To add more pods to the pod federation, see “Join a Pod to the Pod Federation,” on page 16.
Join a Pod to the Pod Federation
During the Cloud Pod Architecture initialization process, the Cloud Pod Architecture feature creates a pod
federation that contains a single pod. You can use View Administrator to join additional pods to the pod
federation. Joining additional pods is optional.
You can also use the lmvutil command to join a pod to the pod federation. See “Joining a Pod to the Pod
Federation,” on page 41.
IMPORTANT Do not stop or start a View Connection Server instance while you are joining it to a pod
federation. The View Connection Server service might not restart correctly. You can stop and start the View
Connection Server after it is successfully joined to the pod federation.
Make sure the View Connection Server instances that you want to join have different host names. You
cannot join servers that have the same name, even if they are in different domains.
Initialize the Cloud Pod Architecture feature. See “Initialize the Cloud Pod Architecture Feature,” on
page 15.
1 Log in to the View Administrator user interface for a View Connection Server instance in the pod that
you are joining to the pod federation.
2 In View Administrator, select View Configuration > Cloud Pod Architecture and click Join the pod
3 In the Connection Server text box, type the host name or IP address of any View Connection Server
instance in any pod that has been initialized or is already joined to the pod federation.
4 In the User name text box, type the name of a View administrator user on the already initialized pod.
Use the format domain\username.
Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture
16 VMware, Inc.