Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
To list the desktop pools in a global entitlement, in View Administrator, select Catalog > Global
Entitlements, double-click the global entitlement name, and click the Local Pools tab.
Only the desktop pools in the local pod appear on the Local Pools tab. If a global entitlement includes
desktop pools in a remote pod, you must log in to the View Administrator user interface for a View
Connection Server instance in the remote pod to see those desktop pools.
To list the users or groups associated with a global entitlement, in View Administrator, select Catalog >
Global Entitlements, double-click the global entitlement, and click the Users and Groups tab.
You can use the View Administrator user interface for any View Connection Server instance in the pod
To list the pods in the pod federation, in View Administrator, select View Configuration > Cloud Pod
You can use the View Administrator user interface for any View Connection Server instance in the pod
To list the sites in the pod federation, in View Administrator, select View Configuration > Sites.
You can use the View Administrator user interface for any View Connection Server instance in the pod
To list the home sites for a user, run the lmvutil command with the --showUserHomeSites option.
lmvutil --showUserHomeSites --userName domain\username [--entitlementName name]
Option Description
Name of the user for whom to list home sites. Use the format
(Optional) Name of a global entitlement. Use this option to list the home
sites for a user and global entitlement combination.
For example:
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --showUserHomeSites --
userName example\adminEast
To list the home sites for a group, run the lmvutil command with the --showGroupHomeSites option.
lmvutil --showGroupHomeSites --groupName domain\groupname [--entitlementName name]
Option Description
Name of the group for which to list home sites. Use the format
(Optional) Name of a global entitlement. Use this option to list the home
sites for a group and global entitlement combination.
For example:
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --showGroupHomeSites --
groupName example\adminEastGroup
Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture
28 VMware, Inc.