Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
lmvutil Command Authentication
To use the lmvutil command to configure and manage a Cloud Pod Architecture environment, you must
run the command as a user who has the Administrators role.
You can use View Administrator to assign the Administrators role to a user. See the View Administration
The lmvutil command includes options to specify the user name, domain, and password to use for
Table 51. lmvutil Command Authentication Options
Option Description
Name of a View administrator user. Do not use domain\username or user principal
name (UPN) format.
Fully qualified domain name for the View administrator user specified in the
--authAs option.
--authPassword Password for the View administrator user specified in the --authAs option. Entering
"*" instead of a password causes the lmvutil command to prompt for the password
and does not leave sensitive passwords in the command history on the command
For example, the following lmvutil command logs in the user domainEast\adminEast and initializes the
Cloud Pod Architecture feature.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --initialize
You must use the authentication options with all lmvutil command options except for --help and
lmvutil Command Output
The lmvutil command returns 0 when an operation succeeds and a failure-specific non-zero code when an
operation fails.
The lmvutil command writes error messages to standard error. When an operation produces output, or
when verbose logging is enabled by using the --verbose option, the lmvutil command writes output to
standard output.
The lmvutil command produces only US English output.
lmvutil Command Options
You use the command options of the lmvutil command to specify the operation to perform. All options are
preceded by two hyphens (--).
For lmvutil command authentication options, see “lmvutil Command Authentication,” on page 38.
Table 52. lmvutil Command Options
Option Description
Activates a pending SSL certificate. See “Activating a
Pending Certificate,” on page 59.
Associates a user group with a global entitlement. See
“Adding a User or Group to a Global Entitlement,” on
page 51.
Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture
38 VMware, Inc.