Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --initialize
Disabling the Cloud Pod Architecture Feature
You can use the lmvutil command with the --uninitialize option to disable the Cloud Pod Architecture
lmvutil --uninitialize
Usage Notes
You must use the lmvutil command with the --unjoin option to remove any other pods in the pod
federation before you run this command.
You run this command on only one View Connection Server instance in a pod. You can run the command
on any View Connection Server instance in the pod. In a pod federation topology, you run this command for
only one pod.
This command returns an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized, if the
command cannot find the pod, or if the pod federation contains other pods.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --uninitialize
Managing Pod Federations
The lmvutil command provides options to configure and modify pod federations.
Joining a Pod to the Pod Federation on page 41
You can use the lmvutil command with the --join option to join a pod to the pod federation.
Removing a Pod From a Pod Federation on page 42
You can use the lmvutil command with the --unjoin or --ejectPod option to remove a pod from a
pod federation.
Changing a Pod Name or Description on page 43
You can use the lmvutil command with the --updatePod option to update or modify the name or
description of a pod.
Joining a Pod to the Pod Federation
You can use the lmvutil command with the --join option to join a pod to the pod federation.
lmvutil --join joinServer serveraddress --userName domain\username --password password
Usage Notes
You must run this command on each pod that you want to join to the pod federation. You can run the
command on any View Connection Server instance in a pod.
Chapter 5 lmvutil Command Reference
VMware, Inc. 41