Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture

Table Of Contents
Repeat this command for each desktop pool to become part of the global entitlement. You can add a
particular desktop pool to only one global entitlement.
This command returns an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized, the specified
entitlement does not exist, the desktop pool is already associated with the specified entitlement, the desktop
pool does not exist, or the command cannot add the desktop pool to the global entitlement.
You can specify these options when you add a desktop pool to a global entitlement.
Table 510. Options for Adding a Desktop Pool to a Global Entitlement
Option Description
Name of the global entitlement.
ID of the desktop pool to add to the global entitlement. The pool ID must match
the desktop pool name as it appears on the pod.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*" --addPoolAssociation --
entitlementName "Agent Sales" --poolId "Sales B"
Removing a Desktop Pool From a Global Entitlement
You can use the lmvutil command with the --removePoolAssociation option to remove a desktop pool
from a global entitlement.
lmvutil --removePoolAssociation --entitlementName name --poolID poolid
Usage Notes
The lmvutil command returns an error message if the Cloud Pod Architecture feature is not initialized, the
specified global entitlement or desktop pool does not exist, or if the command cannot remove the desktop
pool from the global entitlement.
You can specify these options when you remove a desktop pool from a global entitlement.
Table 511. Options for Removing a Desktop Pool from a Global Entitlement
Option Description
Name of the global entitlement.
ID of the desktop pool to remove from the global entitlement. The pool ID must
match the desktop pool name as it appears on the pod.
lmvutil --authAs adminEast --authDomain domainEast --authPassword "*"
--removePoolAssociation --entitlementName "Agent Sales" --poolID "Sales B"
Administering View Cloud Pod Architecture
50 VMware, Inc.